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Tim "Dr. Hope" Anders


About the Author

Tim ‘Dr. Hope’ Anders is an award-winning children’s book author who writes under the pseudonym Dr. Hope, J.A.P.D. (Just A Pretend Doctor).  Born in New York City, he learned a spirit of optimism and humor from his mother that would stick with him throughout his life. When he was forcibly separated from her at an early age, these lessons empowered him to cope with his ever-changing surroundings.

He credits his mother, the heroine of  Everybody Calls My Father, Father, as his inspiration for his many value based children’s books. Dr. Hope vowed that one-day he would give children the same tools that had helped him cope with difficult situations and disagreeable people. And boy, did he. From the promise he made to himself came the award winning "Life Lessons Series," a series of children's books that teach children "life" lessons in entertaining and amusing ways.


Tim ‘Dr. Hope’ Anders

Click here to learn  more about the author.

He is also a talented piano player, composer, lyricist, and producer. He has teamed up with Comic/Actor/Singer Russ T. Nailz and together they have created a series of delightfully humorous children's CDs and cassettes. On the CDs Dr. Hope's stories are brought to life through talented voice actors, special audio effects, heart-felt background music, and delightfully humorous songs that make kids think and laugh.

Dr. Hope's audio CDs.

Click here to check out the songs.

Tim donates a portion of his royalties and poker winnings to ChildHelp® an organization that fights child abuse.  In 2005 the San Diego Chapter of ChildHelp® awarded him and his wife, the For the Love of a Child Award, to honor them for their years of commitment in helping victims of child abuse.   

Visit Dr. Hope's website  Click Here


Dr. Hope has a website where parents and kids can read several of his books and over 300 other children’s books for free. That site is:


Tim has another website for people who want to quickly improve their poker game. That site is:


If you would like to purchase Everybody Calls my Father, Father

eBook for just $8.78

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Paperback Book for just $16.95

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 Everybody Calls My Father, Father is also featured on AskDavid.com Click here to check it out.


Now available in Spanish

 Todos llaman Padre, a mi padre

eBook for just $9.95


Also available in Italian

Tutti chiamano mio padre padre

  Click here.



Take a quick listen to the author's podcast:

Click here for: Everybody Calls My Father, Father Podcast



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