Everybody Calls My Father, Father




FIVE STARS   The story grabs you from the moment you open the book and holds on tight all the way through! It is a roller coaster ride of emotions from beginning to end. The love story of Boo and Hughie is universal and powerful. Sometimes life is more painful than we care to admit and I applaud the author for writing about such a deep personal story. I hope that it will help others to face obstacles in their lives with the sense of optimism that the characters in this story portray. It would make an excellent movie!

Linda Dharlin


FIVE STARS  This book is inter-twined with so much love and sadness at the same time. It is beautifully written and difficult to put down. I am an ex-catholic and against the celibacy rule and reading this story reinforces my conviction. How sad for both Hughie and Boo. It's true that he made a vow to the church, but human, God given emotions are so strong for all of us. Thank you Tim for writing this story so well that it haunts my heart. Yes, this would make a great movie and I would love to see it.

J. Gillease


FIVE STARS  I absolutely love this book!!!! This is THE MOST AMAZING STORY!!! It has so much depth, love, honesty and It really makes me think about myself being Catholic, I believe that this story would make for a beautiful film about two people who really loved each other and met under DIFFERENT circumstances!! It is a true LOVE Story !!! How often do we REALLY fall in REAL LOVE? IF WE DO? This book has so much compassion it must be MADE INTO A FILM! I can already see who would be the actors!!  TIM ANDERS is such a talented writer! to be able to write such a heart felt story based on his life! I salute you Mr. Anders! For such a remarkable, revealing glimpse of what your life was like. I Toast you Mr. Anders
Warm Regards

Klare Davalle, Actress


FIVE STARS  Who could turn away from a book that states, "My father was a Catholic Priest?" And it never stops shocking the reader! A wonderfully, heart warming story for any reader to cozy up with, be it at the beach, on the patio or snuggling with your puppy on the couch. Incredibly entertaining and an absolute must read!

Sandra L. Zook


FIVE STARS This story was so dramatic, it's hard to believe it really happened. But the fact that it's a true story made it all the more fascinating. I love strong women, so Bouvette Anders was a real stand-out of a protagonist for me. While finding some of their choices difficult to comprehend by today's standards, I was thoroughly drawn into the power of the Church vs. the power of a man and woman's love for each other and their family. My admiration goes out to the author, for having the courage and tenacity to tell his parents' story. We all have tales to tell, but so few of us ever do it. This will allow his mother's courage to go on and inspire others and her sacrifice will never die. Thank you, Tim Anders, for sharing this story with the world.

Adrienne Armstrong - Author - "Backstage With the Original Hollywood Square"



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